Project Layout and Setup

In the same directory native-memory-scripter.dll is inside, the directory layout will be as follows

│   native-memory-scripter.dll
│   native-memory-scripter.log
│   native-memory-scripter.toml
    │       plugin.toml

At the top level is the dll’s config file and a log file.

Plugin folder names

Plugin folder names can be named anything, but it’s strongly recommended to stick to the same name as your plugin.

Native Plugin Scripts

Each native plugin script must be placed in a folder, along with a plugin.toml describing the plugin and a which is the plugin’s entry point. Each plugin is concurrently run in a separate python interpreter. Scripts may import any local module from their own directory, e.g. import module1.

Plugin details

Every plugin must provide a plugin.toml that describes the plugin

name = "My Plugin Name"
author = "Plugin Author"
description = "Description of my plugin"
version = "0.1.0"


The _packages directory is where modules are stored that can be used across multiple scripts. Every script can import from here with e.g. from libs import package1