Object: WStr

Converts a WStr python string to a wstr pointer, or a pointer to a python string.


Memory is freed when this object is deleted or reclaimed by gc.


This constructor has two ways to call it. One way to convert a python string to WStr, and another way to convert an address to a python string.

Python string to WStr

When used this way, it converts your python string to a type that you can return in a Callable or give as an argument to a NativeCall.

This call is safe

  • data: str - the string to convert to WStr. do not put a null terminator in it, use the kwarg for that.
  • **kwargs - null: boolean - insert a null terminator at the end of your string.

Address to WStr

When used this way, it converts a WStr pointer to this type, allowing you to access it as a python string.

Use either one of the null or len kwargs to tell this type how to decode the string from the address. Only 1 of these is allowed, do not use both kwargs.

This call is unsafe 🐉

  • address must be a valid address for reads up to len or up to the next null terminator
  • address: int - the WStr pointer address.
  • **kwargs - null: boolean - decode a string with a null terminator.
  • **kwargs - len: int - decode a string with a specific length. this is not byte length. this is element length. that is, one element is a u16 (2 bytes).
  • **kwargs - lossy: boolean - do not raise exception if provided string is not valid utf8. Warning, will return a string yes, but invalid characters will have been replaced with .

Using the type

To convert a WStr to a regular python string, just do str(foo) on your WStr type.


size: int

The byte size of the WStr. (The number of u16 elements is size / 2)

address: int

The address to the WStr’s buffer.


If you supply an address and both null and len kwargs.

If you supply the address but neither null or len kwargs.

If the utf16 string to decode from an address is not a valid utf8 string (try using the lossy kwarg!).

If the first arg is not an address (int) or str.

If there is no first arg.

If you provide types to arg or kwargs that do not match the listed types.