Object: Callable

Hook a function and use a python function as the hooks callback.


  • Callable[[*args], Any] - Any args and Any return type. Constrained to the types available in Type. Must match the following signature passed in to the constructor.
  • *args - Any Type’s matching the corresponding native function’s argument types.
  • **kwargs - ret for the Type return value, and conv to change the calling convention.


The allocated callback code and trampoline code will automatically be freed when this is deleted or reclaimed.


address: int

The address of the jitted callback function (the code that is a stand-in replacement of a native function and calls your python callback).

code_size: int

The size of the jitted callback function in bytes.


The address of the underlying trampoline (the trampoline fn that the jitpoline calls).


The size of the underlying trampoline.


The address of the jitpoline (the jitted trampoline that __call__ calls).


This object implements __call__(). You may call this object with your args and it will call the trampoline.

Using the call function is unsafe 🐉

You must use the correct arguments / return types, otherwise using the function will be ub.

Additionally, your callback function MUST gracefully handle all possible exceptions and return something. If it there’s an uncaught exception, it is UB. But to protect the program, it will instantly crash instead. You should fix it asap.

If you specified a return type, you MUST always return a value of that type, even if your function caught an exception.



jmp hook from address. This will attempt to allocate within ± 2GB of from address so it can use a 5 byte jmp, but if it’s unable to it will use 14 byte jmp.

This function is unsafe 🐉

  • from must point to a xr function with the same signature as your callable (abi, parameters, and return).
  • from: int|Symbol - the function address or Symbol to hook.


Hook an import address table entry.

This function is unsafe 🐉


If virtual protect fails.


Hook a virtual method table entry.

This function is unsafe 🐉

  • index must be a valid index, and abi, args, and return must all be correct types.
  • vtable: VTable - the vtable within which to hook.
  • index: int - the index of the vtable method to hook.


If virtual protect fails.


Unhook the callback.

This function is unsafe 🐉


If virtual protect fails.


import modules
import symbols
import cffi

# this will be called every time the original code calls "createTestClass"
def foo():
    # call the trampoline
    val = callable(obj)
    return val

module = modules.load("Dll1.dll")

create = symbols.find(module, "createTestClass")

callable = cffi.Callable(foo, ret = cffi.Type.U64)

# unhook the callback