Function: disassemble

Disassemble instructions.


This function has multiple calling types.

First (address)

Disassemble single instruction at address.

This call is unsafe πŸ‰

Address must be valid for up to 16 bytes read.

  • address: int - the starting address of the code to disassemble.

Second (address)

Disassemble all instructions from an address, with a runtime address.

This call is unsafe πŸ‰

Address must be valid for up to size read.

  • address: int - the starting address of the code to disassemble.
  • size: int - how many bytes into the address to read.
  • runtime_address: int - the address to annotate each instruction with.

Third (address)

Disassemble count instructions from address.

This call is unsafe πŸ‰

Address must be valid for up to size read.

  • address: int - the starting address of the code to disassemble.
  • size: int - how many bytes into the address to read.
  • runtime_address: int - the address to annotate each instruction with.
  • count: int - how many instructions to disassemble.

First (bytes)

Disassemble all bytes from into instructions.

This call is safe

  • bytes: bytes - the bytes to disassemble.

Second (bytes)

Disassemble all bytes from into instructions, with runtime address.

This call is safe

  • bytes: bytes - the bytes to disassemble.
  • runtime_address: int - the address to annotate each instruction with.

Third (bytes)

Disassemble count instructions from address.

This call is safe

  • bytes: bytes - the bytes to disassemble.
  • runtime_address: int - the address to annotate each instruction with.
  • count: int - how many instructions to disassemble.


If it fails to diassemble

Return Value

Returns an Inst representing the disassembled instruction


import asm

foo = bytes.fromhex('00 00 00 00')
insts = asm.disassemble(foo)

# pretty print each instruction
for i in insts: