Function: find

Finds an IATSymbol in a module Module.

This function is safe


This function has two calling signatures.

Name / Ordinal

  • module: Module - the module to get the symbols for.
  • name: str|u16 - the symbol name or ordinal number to look for. must be exact case-sensitive match.

Name / Ordinal and Dll name

  • module: Module - the module to get the symbols for.
  • dll_name: str - the dll name to look for the symbol in. is an exact case sensitive match, e.g. fooBar.dll.
  • name: str|u16 - the symbol name or ordinal number to look for. must be exact case-sensitive match.


If module in memory is invalid or cannot otherwise be read.

Return Value

Returns a IATSymbol if found, or None if not found.